It is very common to use API in our Flutter projects. Testing makes the Flutter project very easy to maintain, in this way you will save a lot of debugging time. Also when you have testing in place you can always check whether API working as expected. Let’s create a simple API endpoint in PHP …
Category Archives: flutter dart
Flutter video player example
Very easy Flutter video player example, using chewie and and video_player library. The app plays video from a remote HTTP URL and it plays in portrait mode, when you exit the video player it maintains portrait mode on your device. pubspec.yaml In your main function, make sure you run the app in portrait mode, main.dart …
Read CSV file by Dart
Reading CSV files in Dart language is easy. Make sure you have already installed Dart SDK, follow this tutorial if you haven’t Install Dart SDK on Mac, Windows and Linux For this tutorial, we are going to use the Dart plugin on PHPStorm by JetBrains. To install the plugin on Mac go to PHPStorm -> …